Process & Team Facilitation

“Time to  look with clear, clean and unfiltered eyes, ears, hands and heart, and build a new vision with n-dimensions, and n-constituencies, and n-voices, and n-contributions, and n-considerations, and n-values, and n-awarenesses, and n-minds; and then … begin to see and feel and know what is to be done, how to do it, and how…

Decision-Making System Design

The issues human beings now face go beyond solutions that many of us can conjure up. We need to make a collective shift as well as an individual one.  This means learning to think with others and not merely on our own. –William Isaacs Decision-Making System Design Facilitation and Process Mentoring Decision Making Systems Participatory…

Community Economic System Design

“Emergence of community dynamics is an essential ingredient for doing business. Deeply inter-networked economic actors involved in local and productive communities that combined with digital reproduction and the increasingly ‘socialized’ production of value, makes the individual and corporate privatization of ‘intellectual’ property if not untenable, then certainly more difficult , and in all likelihood, ultimately unproductive”.…